Drama in Gaza
Being an American Jew (at least culturally and by birth- if not religiously) I am used to people assuming that I have something to do with Israel and I should answer for what ever they do. I've never been there, (I hear its nice) and I certainly don't always agree with their policies. I am glad that the US supports them most of the time, although it has caused us quite a bit of grief. They are a "stable" democracy type thing in a part of the world that probably could use more.
Even though I'm not a rabid Zionist, the pictures this week of settlers being removed from the Gaza strip have been very difficult to watch. Thankfully there haven't been many reported deaths (with some exceptions). I know I can sympathize with these settlers a little bit more because I am a Jew. I care a bit more about the Israeli Army having to raid a Synagogue than I would about our troops raiding a Mosque somewhere (take your pick). I wish Israel did not have to give up this land they fought wars over in the past. I wish they could keep all their land and get a bit more. It would be kind of like us having to give back Texas to Mexico (maybe not a bad idea). When ever I want to end an argument about Israel and the Palestinian problem- all I do is get into my fake indignant mode and say "But God gave that land to us...."
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