Why you might think I'm giving you the Finger
This is the hardest blog entry I've ever had to write-- or maybe I should say the hardest to type. The middle finger on my left hand is in a splint to keep it immobilized after a bizarre injury I suffered on Christmas Eve. In addition to hitting at least two keys at once with my bandaged digit, it also seems to throw off the rest of my typing and its making my spelling even worse. Being that I'm left-handed too it hasn't done much for my handwriting either.
The injury is called "mallet finger" or "mallet deformity" (look away - I'm grotesque)
It happens when the tendon on the top of your finger ruptures and tears away from the

- I hurt it in a bar fight when I got hit by a pool cue
- Guitar Hero injury
- I got hurt reaching into my pocket for my wallet to cover a check
- Too much text messaging
The other day I went to a hand specialist that was recommended by my regular doctor. They told me I'd have to wear a splint just about 24-7 for about eight weeks. You can take the splint off to wash your hand, but you must keep it absolutely flat- if your finger bends at all you will re-injure it and have to start your two month process all over again. The splint is made out of something called low temperature plastic that can be molded to your finger. It will also melt if it gets near anything too hot, so I've got to wear a bag over it in the shower and avoid having it near hot stuff on the stove- good thing my soup serving days are far behind me. I guess I'll have even more trouble washing dishes now too. I'll get accustomed to having this thing on my finger after a while, but not before it becomes a big pain in the ass. I'm even developing a drinking problem because its so hard to hold a beer or coffee mug.
So If you see me you'll know what's up with my finger and maybe I'll tell you another story about how it happened. And I apologize in advance: I'm not giving you the finger. Probably.
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