Sunday, February 03, 2008

Green Movement Blues

Damn - there goes my New Year's resolution about writing in my blog at least two times a week. Maybe starting right now. January was a very busy month, both at work (tax time) and family (birthdays and such).

But today I can only write about one thing- it is Superbowl Sunday of course. You may recall back in September when I wrote about the start of the football season (The "Green" Movement) I said, as Eagles fans, we might need some cheering up this season. Boy, have I ever been more correct? This was one of the worst sports seasons I can remember. Not because there were so many heartbreaking losses and stupid mistakes (there were) but because I truly lost my passion for the team. People who have watched football with me will tell you that my personality usually changes a bit during games. I am one of those scream and curse at the TV trash talking kind of fan. I scare pets and children and generally get very worked up. All this is not unusual among Eagles fans, in fact, as crazy as I can get, I am not close to crazy, beer swilling, tailgating, no shirt wearing in December fans. It's just that I'm usually more level-headed and I don't curse and throw things too much. Some people don't even know I'm a fan. I can tell you that during most seasons my mood is definitely tied to how the Eagles do. If they lost I wouldn't want to watch any of the post-game coverage or listen to the sports radio station- for several days. A win would mean a good week- I couldn't get enough game coverage , food would taste better and all would be well with the world- until the next Sunday. It all felt very personal, and I know that many sports fans have the same feelings.

This year was different for me and I'm not sure when it happened. The first game was discouraging, but not devastating yet. Maybe it was their first win when they scored 56 points against Detroit and gave us hope. Maybe it was the Bears game when they let them march down the field 97 yards to the winning score. Maybe it was getting humiliated at home 38-17 by the hated Cowboys. I'm not sure, but somewhere in there I stopped caring and started to think- "You know this just isn't a good team and it would be better for them to lose" Not so they would get a good draft pick, but because maybe the coaches would learn from a sub-par year and make some real changes. For that reason I became much more conflicted, I wasn't living and dying with every play, I even fell asleep during a few games (oh yes- I still watched all the games) It is very hard for me to admit that I wish they would have lost a few more games- the .500 record they ended with just makes the season seem almost acceptable. Hopefully next year I'll be back to my "normal" almost manic football frenzy. For now I'll watch the Super Bowl and wonder if Patriots fans are worried that their teams' only loss will be in the most important game. I'm glad I don't have to worry about that this year- I'd hate to root for an undefeated team- too much pressure.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

as i listen to leonard cohen, i have decided to continue my past new year's resolution to not give a shit about the super bowl nor most other sports. however, if you should ever feel the need to become addicted to ninja warrior then feel free to come over and duel me at guitar hero after consuming some suspiciously strong liquid nonsense. - f
p.s. why is there a handicapped symbol in the word verification area? weird!

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just hope you were able to enjoy the superbowl this year without me to explain what was ging on

8:40 PM  

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