National Payroll Week
Yes, it's National Payroll Week again- September 3 - 7. Sorry to tell you about it on the next to last day, but I just found out myself. I know, it doesn't leave much time for you to plan your office Payroll celebration and dress up as your favorite payroll professionals. Of course Payroll professional is just one of my jobs - my boss sent out an e-mail today telling everyone in the office to thank me for doing such a great job since (most) of them get paid accurately and on time (usually). The sarcasm is mine, my boss was more complimentary. Several people made a point of sending an e-mail or thanking me as I wandered around the office this afternoon- the rest of them may not get paid next week. Payroll actually can be interesting. Besides the obvious fun of knowing everyone's salary, there are also dependent care deductions, city wage taxes, 403b contributions, FICA and various STD's. Don't get excited, STD means "short term disabiliy" They can be from many things, from regular injuries to having a baby. Yes, under the FMLA (that's the Family and medical leave act you Philistines) having a baby is a short term disabilty for the father too. Don't mess with me on the FMLA- I learned about that one the hard way- although I wasn't injured.
Don't worry if you missed National Payroll week, I am also an Accounts Payable professional and a Notary public so you can thank me for that when it is appropriate. Oh and next year for National Payroll week I'd prefer if you just forget about thanking me and give me a small percentage of your salary.
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