Have it your Way

You may have noticed I stopped posting right before Obama's inauguration. I guess I figured an inspirational blog like mine just wasn't needed anymore. All would now be right with the world - we had done what was necessary to restore our national reputation. Let the healing begin.
Obama has been been very busy in his first, oh I think its been just over 100 days. Most of the stuff he has done has been right on- so much so that it didn't seem necessary to comment. But now there is an issue that is right up my alley and is often referred to in this blog. That's right- we're talking sandwiches.
Obama and the veep -Joe "Amtrak Joe" Biden somehow got out of the White House to have a hamburger. Now of course you know this probably wasn't really a surprise last minute thing. Obama likes to try to escape the "bubble" of the White House sometimes, but I'm sure it takes a lot of planning on the part of the Secret Service and an advance team and the Press office. To go out and mix with the people and have a burger he has to drag along the press corps with TV and still photographers, his whole protection team and various aides. Apparently they stood in line and waited for their burgers just like everyone else- everyone else who arrived in an armoured limo entourage.
I really like that he chose to go out for burgers and what looked like tater tots. I hope he really does like them and this wasn't some kind of calculated "populist" stunt. I do however question the place they chose to go. First of all it was in Arlington, VA. Now Arlington is just over a small bridge from the White House, but wasn't there a neighborhood place he could go to? Did he already go to Ben's Chili Bowl on U Street- is that too cliche? Also, whoever picked the place should have rejected it out of hand because it was called "Ray's Hell Burger" Even though it is a very clever pun, doesn't the President want to stay away from stirring up the religious right crazies by going to a place with the H-E double toothpicks word in its name? Did the napkins have a little Devil on them? Couldn't they have gone to Hamburger Heaven or Hamburger Paradise or Jesus' Hamburgers? Who picked this spot? Wait for the backlash.
I can't fault the President for trying to be a regular guy- but please try not to be too much of a regular guy like that last fella. It's great to have a President who really is the smartest guy in the room. And who likes a good burger. No matter where it's from.
great posting----i'll alert the media----but didn't i teach you to swear better the H..E.. double toothpicks!...@#$%&*%$#@
great posting----i'll alert the media----but didn't i teach you to swear better than H..E.. double toothpicks!...@#$%&*%$#@
the edited version----
9:24 PM
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