Wednesday, September 07, 2005

The Danger of Blogging

So much has already been said and written about Hurricane Katrina that we are now getting the story behind the story. In the New York Times the other day I noticed a story about a blogger, a self described "weather nerd" who had predicted the Katrina disaster and tried to warn New Orleans days ahead of time. I haven't read his blog but according to the Times it was eerie how he kept making exactly the right predictions about events as they went on. His blog was widely quoted and "linked" to by other blogs. It was the top "linked to non-news blog" as reported by people who follow this kind of thing. He was getting about 25,000 hits a day and being quoted by uber blogs like Slate.Com and He was obviously being interviewed and getting his 15 minutes of fame. But if you made it to the end of the Times story you'd have found out that he probably regrets the whole thing and he's probably sleeping on the couch. From the Times 9/5/06:

Sept. 6, 2005, Tuesday:An article in Business Day about Brendon Loy, the Notre Dame student who was one of the earliest to sound the alarm about the potential threat to New Orleans from Hurricane Katrina, misstated the name of Mr. Loy's dog. It is Robbie, not Becky (which is his fiancée's name).
Leave it to the New York Times to bury the lead.


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