Recent headlines about actual deaths from "Bird Flu" haven't caused any mass hysteria over here in the USA. Maybe its because we are so easily distracted by shiny objects and the recent four hour premeire of the best TV show on the air "24" (OH my god - terrorists!!)
But the other reason is just so right out there that no one will mention it. I haven't heard it referred to by John Stewart or David Letterman (I don't watch Leno) or on NPR. Come on people Bird flu breaks out in Turkey? When you think about it -it seems obvious. Why were we so worried about these Asian countries? What about this country named after a bird (don't challenge me on facts- as far as I know Turkey is Turkey) Why they must have Turkeys running around like sacred cows in India. Hopefully they have it under control and it won't spread right now. I think newscasters (real and fake) are afraid to mention it because they might have trouble stifiling a snicker and a guffaw and witty repartee with their perky co-anchor.
"Well, Syndee how about that Avian flu - in Turkey - I mean, who would have guessed, you know??"
"You're right Bob, although the country may or may not be named after the bird they have been one of the first countries to be hit by......"
Watch out "Turkemenistan" and Bird in Hand, PA and Lady Bird Johnson and Big bird and can you believe they are trying to make Chloe into some kind of a sex symbol on 24?? I mean she is cute in an interesting kind of way, but she won't make the guys tune in and I don't think Jean Smart as the first lady is going to be able to make up for it.
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